Tuesday, January 25, 2011

State of Inaccuracies

I was watching the news tonight while on break when i saw that they are putting a ballot up for vote on changing the gun concealment laws in Michigan to allow for weapons on school and church grounds. really? i mean seriously how is this even close to a good idea. i am sure most would say that "O well this is my second amendment, it is in the constitution nanner nanner". don't you think you are taking this 2nd amendment thing a bit to far? i am okay with you extrapolating an amendment meant to deal with large rifles people used to feed their families with 200 years ago, but distorting it into something having to do with guns designed solely to kill each other, no i am not cool with that. and seriously who the hell thinks it is a good idea to allow guns on school property. i do not give a shit if the constitution says you can bear arms, it is a stupidly terrible idea and should be denied on that sole fact. stop being assholes and forcing this gun shit down every ones throats when you are the ones with problems. you do not need a pistol. you do not need an Uzi or a bazooka. it is that fucking simple. they are all designed for the sole purpose of killing other human beings and by that logic should cease to exist.

Tonight was the state of the union address, and i was unable to view it since i was working. all i have heard from the Internets via twitter and other sources is that the tea party had a rebuttal to the SOTU speech. the link to the video of quite possibly the dumbest fucking lady on the face of the planet is here. i think i heard something about Americans being 21 generations old, and that the founding fathers fought tirelessly to eradicate slavery. also some historically inaccurate stuff about Lincoln. are you fucking kidding me? why is this lady allowed to leave her home, let alone run for office. just blows my mind how embarrassingly stupid our species can be.

As for the actual SOTU address, i have yet to watch it at any great length. i am happy to hear about Presidents Obama's plans for the digital infrastructure. linking 98% of the United States is a good idea. education is the key to a civil society. with more people connected to the Internet the ability for knowledge to be gained is increased immensely. so it may lead to a smarter population. even if it is slight. unless knowledge is like economics where the right get richer and the poor get poorer, the smart get smarter and the dumb get dumber. if that's the case then hope is lost for this species since natural selection is not really in full effect anymore.

Apparently polar bears swim up to 400 miles or around 9 days to find ice. i wonder what the possibility of them evolving amphibiously, or fins or something. would be an adaptation that would cause more bears to survive, so it is plausible.

Finished another audio book today at work. Rendezvous With Rama is rated as one of Clarke's best works. an alien spacecraft enters the solar system heading straight for our sun. no one is able to detect anything about it from outside probing. it appears to be a giant cylinder with capped ends about 50 kilometers long. they Cristen the craft Rama after the Hindu god. after sending out a mission to meet up with the craft they finally enter it and are amazed to find that it is hollow inside. the ship is a hollow rotating cylinder, providing "gravity" to the inner hull of the ship, .6 earth gravity that is.
Due to the time limit forced upon the crew because of the radical orbit Rama is taking they have to leave before it reaches para helion and becomes to close to the sun for comfort. as Rama nears the sun it becomes increasingly more active and over a time creatures begin to show up. odd creatures that have a biological built in battery system making lungs, and digestive organs completely unnecessary. and everything is in threes. all the creatures have either 3,6 or 9 legs. along with the animal triplicates all of the architecture is in triplets. after reaching the crews time limit they promptly leave Rama, but stay in a close enough orbit to view it glide through the corona of the sun and exit the solar system.
Overall it was a fantastic book and if you like hard scifi i highly recommend it.
I will be starting the next book in the series tomorrow at work, Rama II.

I finished the long and tedious work of designing our mine cart station in minecraft. the crazy intricate layout of the red stone and track underground is insane. i do not think i could possibly utilize that space anymore efficiently. i tried to take a screenshot but there is more underground than there is visible so it is pointless. the way it is designed is simple. there is a cart(pez dispenser) which brings out a cart, than the weight of the avatar sitting in the cart triggers a pressure plate which brings out a booster to boost it along the track out of the building. the receiving station is pretty much the exact same thing. there is supposed to be a really cool circuit to tell it when the avatar has left the mine cart, leading it back to the dispenser, but it just does not want to work and i am not a redstone expert. i made it so complex that it is impossible for me to find the fault. so now i just have a booster flying around the receiving track. the design came from this video. this is only part one of three.

Wiki Page of the Day (WPotD)

Hurricane Kyle was the fourth longest-lived Atlantic tropical or subtropical cyclone on record. The eleventh named storm and third hurricane of the 2002 Atlantic hurricane season.

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