Thursday, January 13, 2011

Recycling Is Too Hard For TTH Workers

Day started off like any other work day. however it quickly went sour. i got stuck doing 6/7 Discharges, which is number 2 of of my most hated schedules. day went on until i get a call from dispatch saying i did not correctly clean a room. this happens all the time so i shrugged and made my trek back to that room from earlier. my boss was waiting for me when i go there because it was in his opinion not cleaned correctly. his actual words were that it had not been touched. the second i got in the room i was immediately pissed off. what had happened is in the time between when i did the room and when my boss made his way to check on my work, the nurses had piled a ton of random stuff in there. in all crazy manners of locations. so when my boss got there it looked like i did not even do anything. he started to talk about what was wrong with the room, when i cut him off and began to explain that none of this crap was in here when i left the room. to make a long story short i almost got screwed again by nurses putting crap in rooms after i clean them. because this is not the first time i have been blamed for a room being a disaster after i cleaned it. i have gotten in trouble and been unable to prove anything in situations when i left the room completely clean wand when my boss reviewed the room 6 hours later it was a mess. he asked a nurse that walked by and she admitted to putting all that in the room. so i was free and clear. however he also had my quarterly review in his hand that he briefly went over with me. all good things, however he stressed that i should stop listening to my iPhone when i work. apparently people have been complaining. i do not know who these people are or why they need to meddle in my business. i do not even listen to music while i work, i have been listening to audiobooks for the past 2 months while i work, so it is not like my music is too loud. so some asshole is complaining about me minding my own business and enjoying a mind opening experience while i work. that person needs to take a long walk off a short pier.

Later on when i was finishing up cleaning Hemo, i was taking out a trash bag from a can and it weighed literally 50 pounds. so when i looked inside i found this at the bottom of the bag,
I could not believe my eyes. who the hell just throws away not only 3000 pieces of paper but 3 perfectly fine binders. i stood there in shock/rage for what felt like a few seconds until i decided that since no one was around to ask who had done this planet-destroying maneuver that i would take it into my own hands. i shot a video that explains my feelings in total.
Another thing about this whole situation that pissed me off. do we not have this in a digital form on the computers? and if so why the fuck did you need to print the entire god damn thing out? it is just mind-explodingly stupid. GAHH!!1!

Found out my other headlight is out now. so tomorrow i have to go get another 25 dollar bulb and try and replace it in sub-zero temperatures. and it is not like i can just push a button and the old bulb pops out. NOoOoOo!!!! this is a GM product so in order to get the bulb out i need to be a damn surgeon with baby hands in zero gravity to get the damn thing out.

After i safely made it home with only one side of the road lit, i decided to play some more minecraft(of course, what did you expect). Joe is working on his castle to the northeast of our house, so i started building some random stuff to the southwest. i built some geometric shapes and the beginning of a statue. however i put all my efforts into building this mirror pyramid.

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