Friday, January 21, 2011

I Wonder How Well Dinosaurs Sleep

When i got to work today i knew i was going to be an extra person so i was mentally preparing myself to have a terrible day, but when i got there my boss said that they had way to many people and that if i wanted i could go home. well i am not about to miss out on having another day off even though i am broke. so i went home.

While playing minecraft today i decided to visit the nether world, which requires me to restart the server with different properties. instead of letting me use a gate the server is dumb and forces me to manually change stuff. anyways i walked a bit in the nether and got a ton of glowstone, so i decided to get back to the regular world. when i restarted the server and rejoined it had spawned me somewhere completely random. i had no idea where was and i did not have a compass because i did not think i needed one. so i was a game as large as the earth. i walked for about 20 minutes southeast in the direction to where our house would have been. no luck so i had to restores from a backup at 12:03 last night. so i lost all the work i did last night between 12-6. lame because i had finished the floor of my pyramid and now i have to do it all over again. i am just glad Joe had not done anything in that time frame, it would have been real hard to break the news to him that i fucked it all up. but he is out of town at a funeral right now leaving the apartment to myself for these two days. which is awesome.

Received my wakemate wristband in the mail today. so tonight is going to be the first night i start tracking my sleep. i do not know how gimmicky this product is, but i guess i will find out. the concept is pretty cool. they use the technology hospitals and health care facilities use to monitor peoples sleep to track ones sleep at home. all in a nice little felt covered wristband. my review of the product will probably take about a week to formulate, but i am excited to see if it works. it is meant to wake one at their optimal REM cycle so that person feels refreshed and not groggy.

James Pero
Designer / Developer / Producer / Video Editor
Twitter | YouTube | Tel: 407.536.7376

Saw a segment on family guy about Jurassic park the other night so of course that meant i needed to have a Jurassic Park marathon. which always leads to me checking on the status of the Jurassic Park 4. last time i checked it was just dust in the wind, but apparently it is a serious endeavor now. Joe Johnston the director of the third Jurassic park said he is going to start working on it right after he finishes Captain America. he also said that it would kick start a completely new trilogy that takes the series into a completely different direction. should be very interesting. i hope they find out the raptora are smarter than they had originally thought and that they are equivalently intelligent to humans and chimpanzees. would be interesting to watch a movie about a species 65 million years old that have the same potential as man. i know that is what they were leading on about in all previous 3 movies so it is only a logical step to show them in the next movie with a rudimentary civilization with tools and such.

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