Monday, January 24, 2011


Spent the day at a super fancy mall in troy Michigan today and had a chance to check into Gowalla a lot. one peculiar store we went into was a Sony store. i did not even know they existed. while we were in there we tested out the new PlayStation move. my review is that it is not very good, lol. the calibration before every game is annoying, tedious and utterly destroys the enjoyment. the sensor seemed to work moderately well, even though there was a very detectable delay between actions. worse than the Wii's delay making it very hard to get used to. controllers were Sony cheap black plastic. overall it felt very sloppy and cheap.

Moving on throughout the store we stopped by to check out the PSP Go. i was completely stunned at how incredibly cheap and flimsy that product is. it was so bad, it seemed like they literally spent 25 minutes designing and producing it. made out of the cheapest plastic i have ever seen, (milk cartons have better materials) i felt like i could snap the thing in half if i looked at it wrong. that's not even talking about the tortured interface and the more than pathetic Internet browser. overall felt very cheap.

Went over near the 3d TVs, put the glasses on and immediately remembered why 3D TVs are cliche and stupid. after that we walked over to the touchscreen computers where i typed this note out on the front facing monitor. so overall the Sony store sucks just as much as Sony does as a company.

Visited the apple store not only just to visit the apple store but also because Larry had them fix his iPod. got on the 13 inch Macbook Air and decided i should test it out on the thing i do most often these days, by booting up the browser version of minecraft. i successfully logged into my server i have running at home and played a bit with Steve. was really cool being able to remote access my server for the first time.

Went and saw The Green Hornet that night with Mark, Ryan and Joe. i thought it was very funny. although i am a pretty big Seth Rogen fan. some of the story line was predictable, but what is not these days. had some very funny dialogue parts along with some crazy action scenes. very satisfied with the first movie of this years movie release season.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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