Monday, January 17, 2011

Lying About Pyramids

Watched the invention of lying last night. Now one of my favorite movies. Such a simple concept but Ricky did a fantastic job flushing it out into a film. The plot of the movie is man never evolved the ability to lie. So everyone tells the blunt truth, which leads to some very funny dialogue especially when Ricky goes on a date with a women clearly out of his league. Somehow he gains the ability to say something that is not so(a lie). Since no one knows what a lie is everything he says is taken at face value. He unfortunately says something about a man that lives in the sky and that people do not go to a world of nothingness when they die. Making him a messiah to the people around him. Essentially he invents religion. I highly recommend this movie, hilarious dialogue.

I do not know how they got so many people to participate in that film, but they all had small parts. Like on scene each from Jason bateman to John hodgman. It was crazy. Almost every scene had someone new. It almost seemed like Ricky said he was doing a movie and people lined up to be in it. One of my favorite parts was Steven merchants small bit. I was surprised that Karl pilkington was not in the movie at all. Seemed like something Ricky would do.

i have finished 3/4 of my pyramid in minecraft. i would have had to finished tonight, but i ran out of materials. so tomorrow when Joe gets back on we can get me the final amount so i can finish it. i just have to decide what i want the inside to look like.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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