Friday, January 7, 2011

Have to start somewhere....with a reference point of course

I am going to attempt to start a new blog. I have been tossing about the idea of doing a Vlog but then I realized no one wants to see my face on youtube, besides there are plenty of handsome people already doing that, so why even bother. First off I have terrible grammar so that is a warning. I personally dislike most grammar rules maybe that is because most are illogical parameters only in place due to nostalgia. It does not help that I have grown up learning one of the most ass backwards languages on the planet. Goose and geese but not moose and meese. What stupid idiot decided on that one. I think it might be due to the fact that most of my english teachers tried to related english grammar to math equations. Clearly stepping out of their field of study they had no concept of just how stupid and offensive that was to math. 1+1=2 in math but in english the equation is more like ((1D+1R)/.9362518F)= something greater than 2.....sometimes. In grammar there are far to many inconstant factors for me to care about. Probably one of the reasons I failed at school so many times but that is for another post I suppose. Anyway this blog will hopefully be a daily, or something close to that, record of my experiences throughout a given time frame. This should be interesting.

1 comment:

  1. Dude haha, you know what my major is? English education... hahaha. I like this blog idea bro!
