Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Do Lizard People Use iPhones?

Woke up with just enough time to check on the Internets before i made my way to work. today was the day that made the Verizon iPhone an official product. we all knew this day was coming it was just a matter of when. a few things i have to say about the release. because the Verizon network is still using the CDMA chipset and radio frequency it does not allow for voice and data to be sent simultaneously to the device. which takes this multitasking beast of a phone down a few notches. i use this feature all the time. one thing i really want to know(and i am pretty sure this is a yes) is if one can talk on the network while using a wifi signal for the data. so if i get a call but i am in my own house on my own Internet connection will i be able to peruse the Internets at the same time. i do not see why it would be an issue other then it may cause interference. if that is the case, Verizon is a super FAIL for even still using CDMA technology(btw that is the reason why they have such a large 3g network, they have had a lot more time to build CDMA towers then AT&T has had to build their GSM). another thing i am totally confused about is how they are going to do product refreshes. apple always updates their iPhone in July or June. so the AT&T phone is on track to get an update this summer, but what about the Verizon iPhone? it will only have been 5 months old. so are those early adopters going to get burned when they refresh in July? or are they going to start a whole new refresh cycle for this model of the iPhone.

I really wonder what is going to happen to the android platform, since for the first time apple is actually directly competing with them. i fully believe the reason android is so successful is because of apples absence on other carriers. so now that has changed and i think the android platform will suffer immensely.

I am actually in a really good position when it comes to the my iPhone. my contract is up in august, so i have plenty of time to wait for the iPhone 5. so if they do not refresh the Verizon iPhone at the same time they refresh the AT&T version and they keep it a year behind i will just stick with AT&T. if they do refresh both i will be able to choose between carriers.

Continuing on my day, i had not realized just how incredibly horrible it was going to be outside. otherwise i would have left home a few minutes earlier. the annoying thing about driving on bad roads is, i am pretty good at it. it is just all the dumbasses around me who make stupid decisions that endanger things. like going 55 with 3 inches of snow and slush on the road. i understand you love killing the planet with you escalade but some of us do not have vehicles adjusted for this climate. one also would think the city would prepare for a snowstorm by pre-salting the roads, or at least warming up the plows. i mean seriously do they not get the damn weather channel at city hall. anyway the roads were bad.

On my break at work i decided to mosey on down to the break room because the cafeteria was too full of random people. it was all fine until ESPN came on(the default TV channel for some stupid reason) and showed some guy from some football team pulling a ridiculous amount of weight down a field. then they showed a truck trying to pull the same amount and failing everyone thought this was INFUCKINGCREDIBLE!!1! seriously, the 5 guys in the room flipped their shit. i think i am the only one who thought this was utter bullshit of a test. for one thing the guy has cleats on a turf stadium ground, and the truck has round rubber wheels on asphalt. of course the guy can pull more then the truck, the guy has what is called "Traction". the damn trucks tires are just going to spin and spin. there is no way the trucks ROUND tires are going to grip the FLAT surface. it was an absolutely ridiculous test. anyways, this ignited the room into a clusterfuck of football debating and yelling about some kind of Superbowl. apparently a regular bowl is not good enough(ignorance intended). seriously it was like being put into a cage with bears fighting over a damn chicken wing. the peach section was on the table so i decided to wait it out by reading up on the latest news detailing the life of an over sized cat who loves lasagna, and a guy who has real life adventures.

On my second break i was unfortunate enough to end up watching about 20 minutes of the show V. what a horrible show, sorry writers, but it is awful. they are aliens who have found a way to go faster then the speed of light and they are loosing a war against a race of people who merely 150 years ago stopped drinking the water they shit in. they are lizards, so are they cold blooded? if so there is no way they could have evolved large enough brains with only the energy of the sun to warm them. not only that but there is no way a space faring race could exist without compassion. hands down.

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