Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Apple Accepts American Express Cards

Woke up early(11:00) and went to IHOP with Joe and josh. the crowd is completely different at noon then it is at midnight. very sharp contrast. i had to work a crap schedule today, got stuck doing rooms as an extra person. the only good thing about being an extra person is the chance of going home early which happened tonight. got home an hour early to attempt for the millionth time to setup a public minecraft server so my cousin can play with us. as usual it ended in tears. we have given up on trying to get this to work until the actual multiplayer is a finished product. the main issue seems to be the fact that i have no idea what i am doing. i am supposed to forward a port. so i follow all the instructions in the YouTube video but it still does not work. so i have no idea.

Apples quarterly earnings came out today. turns out their iPad profit is more than their entire laptop line profit. which is pretty amazing. it is only  hair short of trumping their entire computer line. as far as i am concerned that is a pretty successful product. Tim Cook the COO of apple had a funny quote about how all the other tablets are bizarre. which is true i have had the chance to mess around with the galaxy tab, and i am honestly not impressed. it is nothing compared to the iPad. i honestly think it is as simple as these companies do not spend enough time and resources into developing individual products. no other company seems to understand that when you release a product, that is your product for the next year or so. that is what is wrong with the cellphone market on a whole. every other month a new android phone comes out that is not really a significant improvement over the last, which leads to the android that came out 9 months ago being obsolete and unsupported. it is a tragedy that companies do not work like apple. when apple comes out with a  phone, or a anything really, that is their product for the next 365 days. so within those 365 days they are working on the next generation. when if you look at the android timeline they spend maybe 3 months on a phone.

I still have not heard back from US Steel up in Detroit. i was really hoping it would work out. i would finally be living comfortable for once. but no....so now i think i am going to start applying to places around here. i was looking on monster and there are a lot of drivers wanted. i do not know what this job entails(driving, duh) or how much i would make. i do enjoy driving when i have a reason to drive.

I got a credit card in the mail from American express the other day. i honestly do not know anywhere that even accepts that card, but i digress. the letter was in excited font to inform me that i had been chosen to have their oh so special card. so i opened it just to see how special it was and it has an annual fee of 95$. are you fucking kidding me?!?! who the hell would pay to own a credit card? and why would they act like it is some kind of privilege for me to have it. they are obviously sending these out knowing they will be getting a hundred dollars a year guaranteed.

Teefury is a site that hosts a t-shirt for one day only. a very cool site that helps artists because all the shirts are uploads from people around the world. the one today is awesome. it is a Mario-House mash up and i just had to get it.

I am working on a post that should clarify exactly how i feel about the video game industry. i have tomorrow off so i should have time tomorrow to work on it. i might even do a good EA post.

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