Friday, January 7, 2011

7th Day of a New Year

Started off the day like i always do, waking up 35 minutes before i go to work. just enough time to get ready but not accomplish anything meaningful at all(story of my life). it was one of those driving days when everyone is doing a swell job and then all of a sudden the world explodes and everyone forgets what they are doing and chaos breaks out. the guy in front of my stops to let an illegal Jaywalker go, then i go around him and get behind a van who is clearly never driven an automobile before since they were going 20 in a 40. after i get by that person someone pulls of a suicide pullout and forces me to drastically reduce speed for no good reason.the hospital was packed or at least the parking garage was packed so i had to park on the fourth floor on the exposed section, which is odd since the visitor traffic is being re-directed to the other garage while the main lobby is being worked on. so i have no idea where all the cars were from. if the amount of cars is directly related to only the people that work there then would not the amount of cars parking there stay constant? why does it fluctuate so much? this bugged me for a few minutes while i parked crooked next to a ridiculously large SUV. grunted to my colleagues as i walked to sign in as usual. my new boss was unnaturally happy to be at work. always bugs me when people are in that mood where everything they do just explodes rainbows and happiness. worked recovery all night which means i have 8 hours to do about 4.5 hours of work. not complaining about the work load at all i just fined it interesting that the load is set to accommodate old people that work there, so when i work twice as fast i have long intervals of nothing. of course my boss could always find me something to do. one of the only perks of working where i work is the fact that since i am environmental services i am practically invisible to everyone around me. allowing me to walk around with headphones in and not really cause any alarm or care. which is fantastic because i am able to zone out and work without distraction. i finished 2061 Odyssey three today making that 11 audiobooks i have finished in the last month or so. i started 3001 The Final Odyssey which will complete the "Space Odyssey Trilogy". after that i think i may either continue listening to Clarke, go back to the robot series of Asimov or start the Douglas hitchhiker series, i have not decided yet.

One of the weirder things that happens while i work is when i have my headphones in and i open a plastic bag to replace one in a trash receptacle, the bag cause static which then causes this cool crackling sound in the headphones i am wearing in my ears. it basically feels like static discharge in my ears. alarming at first and i am not sure if it is ruining the headphones or not, but now i am used to it. the first time it happened i thought my headphones shorted out, scared me a bit. so the static is traveling through the bag to my hand into my pocket and up the headphones and into my ears. apparently that is the fastest way for the electricity to ground itself.

The night ended normally with people being over polite while leaving work, signing out, and making my trek up the 4 flights to my car. the parking lot was covered with a light dusting of snow, uncleared from earlier. the lot was empty so i thought i would do some donuts around the light poles. highlight of my night.

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