Sunday, January 9, 2011

Narnia and Aladdin

Went to see the The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader today with my immediate family. we always go and see one movie together as a family once a year. movie was good as far as narnia movies go. i enjoyed it however the religious overtones were not subtle at all. aslan just comes and and says I AM JESUS in a scene. kind of funny. two parts in the movie i was dying from laughter. 1st they all had to get the 7 swords and bring them to the table of aslan to destroy the evil(the devil). they went through a ton of crazy shit to get them, dragons, sea serpent/kraken thing. when they got all the swords near the table the swords started glowing blue and i thought to myself, "well shit, now they have to deal with orcs!". the second time was when they were inside the evil lair island thing and they were told not to think of anything or the evil will manifest it. just then edmund said out loud, "o no....i am really sorry guys". everyone in my family looked at each other and almost in synchronicity said, "I tried to think of the most harmless thing. Something I loved from my childhood. Something that could never ever possibly destroy us. Mr. Stay Puft!" i think we all kept hoping that a giant Stay Puft man would come out of the ocean and capsize the ship, unfortunately it was only a kraken.

Went back to my parents house to have some dinner. attempted to learn some piano whilst i was there, i failed. watched some aladdin which is among my top 5 favorite pre-pixar disney movies. came home and accomplished nothing really. dug a huge hole in my minecraft world while watching robot chicken(fantastic combination btw). also turns out my cousin is thoroughly enjoying his own minecraft experience which i am thrilled about. i was worried he would hate it.

1 comment:

  1. I totally want to see the new narnia movie. I loved the books, and I have yet to get around to it. Some of the best books written.
