Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Had a good day off today. went to the pool hall with Joe and josh for a little bit. realized once again how bad i am at billiards. while we were there we also played ping pong, i went 2-2. after that we ate at applebee's, after we were seated i got up to use the restroom because my hands felt like i had bar all over them. i found a 10 dollar bill on the ground. i went back to the table and i was like "hells ya i found a 10" i got a total of three high fives. however after closer inspection of my total cash on my person it turned out to be my own 10 i dropped. so Joe reneged those high fives at once. the waiter was really cool and even commented on my einstein shirt. i got the fiesta lime chicken like i always do, delicious! after that we went bowling with Alissa at glass lanes. we wanted to go to miracle lanes were the games are only 99 cents each. but they are stupid and close at 9. i do not understand that at all. anyway i bowled like crap because my head hurt. know how one feels when they stand up to quick, well it felt like that but constantly. not a fun feeling. went back home and talked josh into getting minecraft. he helped a great deal with the Pyramid project.

I finished my pyramid tonight finally. i am so happy, it is definitely the most impressive thing i have ever done in a video game. what that says about me i do not know, and i do not care. i will have a video of the time lapse up tomorrow when i finish it. much to late to work on it now since i am getting up at 10 tomorrow for breakfast. however i do have some pictures of it finished.
Perspective of the House

From the top floor of the house

Josh and i stayed up a bit after Joe decided to go to bed. he helped me clear more than half of the inside floor area. the object is to make the inside a level surface requiring us to dig out at least 10,000 blocks in the process. overall it was an extremely successful night.

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