Monday, February 7, 2011

Pinging Europa

Well i am very excited about the news out of NASA this past week. they have decided to send a probe on a 9 year mission to the jovian moons. sticking mostly to Ganymede and Europa. the really exciting part is if you are unaware of the characteristics of those moons, they are believed to have vast underground oceans that would be perfect for harboring life. one would assume since the planets are so far from the sun that they would be frozen solid, but due to the immense gravity from its parent planet Jupiter, tidal forces cause a great amount of stress on all the moons. causing friction to heat them. it is an interesting display of exotic situations life could exist in. most assume life would be contained to thermal vents that spew nutrients into those vast oceans much like the ones on the earths seas floor. entire ecosystems built around volcanic mounds. one can not help but to think about 2010: Space Odyssey and how Arthur C. Clarke so elegantly explained how life could and probably does exist on in these places. one exciting aspect is that this will be a joint venture between NASA and the European space agency. these are the easily the best places to look for life in our solar system, and i am super thrilled we will be going there in a decade.

So Ping is pretty useless right now. kind of sad that it is among apples biggest failures. i have a concept for how it could be used for its full potential. what i would like to see is a collaboration with facebook, that allows for a seem less and instant viewing of anything a person is listening to. so lets say i am in the car with my iPhone listening to Angels & Airwaves, right now the only really good way of letting people know about that is by tweeting that song with an app. which gets posted to my wall and people can read it but that is all. the user experience stops there. imagine ping being built into the iPod app itself, a simple toggle on and off and what it does is it "pings" what song i am listening to and instantly updates a status independent of my wall on my facebook profile page. at anytime someone wants to know more about that song they can click on the track name and instantly be linked to the iTunes web store/iTunes store. one can also comment and like any song i am currently listening to, which would then place it on my wall as a mentioned item. this feature could be turned on for any device i am using. if i am at home listening to iTunes, or at my parents house using pandora with my iPad, or roller blading in the park with my iPhone. it would instantly update a "listening to" status on my facebook page allowing people to experience the music i am experiencing.

Wiki Page of the Day (WPotD)
Kingdom Hearts (キングダム ハーツ Kingudamu Hātsu?) is an action role-playing game developed and published by Square (nowSquare Enix) in 2002 for the PlayStation 2 video game console.[2] The first game in the Kingdom Hearts series, it is the result of a collaboration between Square Enix and The Walt Disney Company. The game combines characters and settings from Disney animated features with those from Square's Final Fantasy series. The story follows a young boy, Sora, as he is thrown into an epic battle against the forces of darkness. He is joined by Donald DuckGoofy, and other classic Disney characters who help him on his quest.

Friday, February 4, 2011


Update on Wakemate:
so i recently said that what would make this product even better would be to have a bar graph with the information displayed on it. well it is a good thing i do not blog for a living because this very feature exists. the other night i apparently had an astonishing night of sleep i scored a 92 out of 100. 0.0 i do not know how or why. but anyway the bar graph representation is very cool, i wish i could put a link in this post to show the site, but i need to be logged in to view it so a screenshot will have to do.

Found a very cool application today, it is a companion app for minecraft called MCMap Lite. it allows me to view the map in pretty much anyway i want. i can scan downwards segment by segment. i can search for certain kind of blocks, and i can take screenshots at anytime. it is very cool and i am very excited about it. this is a screenshot of the server as of now.
It does a fantastic job of belittling our work as a whole. but you can clearly make out the pyramid, north east of that is Joe's house, and west of all that is Steve's building. gives one a good scale of things.

Wiki Page of the Day (WPotD)
Erie (pronounced /ˈɪəri/) is an industrial city on the shore of Lake Erie and the regional hub of northwestern PennsylvaniaUnited States. Named for the lake and the Native American tribe that resided along its southern shore, Erie is the state's fourth largestcity (after PhiladelphiaPittsburgh and Allentown), with a population of 104,000.[2] Erie's Metropolitan Area consists of approximately 280,000 residents and an Urbanized Area population of approximately 195,000. The city is the seat of governmentfor Erie County.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Google Relieves the Revolt

Have not posted in a few days. been busy procrastinating. the revolt in Egypt is all over right now so i will just briefly touch on the part i have an opinion about. looting and vandalism is rampant and one thing in the country that is probably the most valuable is the museum that houses the entire history of the region. at first the military was guarding it but apparently after a while they started to move out or become inefficient or something. anyway there was a small case of vandalism there but nothing important was damaged. then i read that groups of people from all classes were barricading themselves in front of the museums to keep them safe. this as far as i am concerned shows that we are evolving as a species. if this had happened when they burned the library of Alexandria the world would be a sharp contrast to how it is now. the fact that random people were willing to risk their own lives for the sake of the preservation of knowledge and history really makes me happy and hopeful. because without our history, and without our knowledge we are lost.
a follow up to a recent post i made about them cutting off the Internet and cell signals in that country. truly amazing thing happened. google created a service were one could tweet via a phone recording. which is amazing because it shows that no matter how hard a government tries to cut its people off from the global Internet, we will find a way to give a voice to those people. we will find a way for those people to express themselves to the rest of us, to show what is truly going on there.

Google unveiled a new "app" that i think really sums up what google is here for. it allows one to experience art from other places in the world in amazing detail. google should be here to catalog and store our global information, and allow it viewable to everyone. the 21st century is going to be about instant access to everything, and google is slowly making that possible.

Yesterday the storm of the year hit. or as everyone is calling it the snowacolypse. i was supposed to go to work but i would have had to drive home at 11:45 in a foot of snow driving a no thank you. so i called off, which should not be a big deal since i have only called off one other time since i was hired there and it was because i had severe food poisoning.
Crystal and Larry came over to hang out here during the night of the storm. about halfway through the night we decided we needed some cut and bake cookies. so we ventured out into the blizzard. it was nuts, the wind had to be 40 MPH and it was not snow, it was sleet/ice. which was fun.

Steve finished the outside of the building and now has nothing to do but the inside furnishings and such. kind of exciting however this means once he has finished we both will be stuck with no ideas on what to do next.

Wiki Page of the Day (WPotD)

Dyson sphere is a hypothetical megastructure originally described by Freeman Dyson. Such a "sphere" would be a system of orbiting solar power satellites meant to completely encompass a star and capture most or all of its energy output.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

President Action Rant

The president used the phrase, "Spudnik Moment" in his SOTU speech in reference to JFK's rebuttal in that we would set a man on the moon at the end of that decade. it got me thinking, not only would it be impossible to actually do something major and momentous as setting a man on the moon, but in this social media climate the president would get torn to shreds by fox and other media outlets for even proposing them. personally i want something like the moon landing to happen. i would like to see the president get up on stage and say to the world that we plan to put a man on mars by the end of this decade, (we choose to go to mars in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win, and the others, too.). if not space then something as momentous as it in comparison. something that will not only create jobs and money, but also unite us and show the world (and ourselves) that we are still capable at creating moments that we look back on in reverence for the accomplishments we made. that we are still capable of innovating solutions for our problems, and instead of spending all our time debating things that we still have the will power to actual do something about it. we are rotting from the center as a nation. we had a single moment of unity on 9/11 but our douchebag asshat of a president turned what should have been a world sympathizing healing moment into a clusterfuck war/fear/hatred mongering asscloud of suffering. 
i want the president to lead us for a change. i want the president to not just say what he wants us to do, i want him to dictate those things for us to do. if the hoover dam was proposed in today's world it would never leave the commissioners desk, if the highway project was proposed by Obama fox would call him a Nazi socialist and it would never even get started. if Obama proposed we go to the moon in this decade, fox would tear him a new one saying he is wasting money in space instead of spending it on things down here. nothing major can even begin to start because media has too much power and handcuffs the president from making bold decisions. whats sad is the president lets them. i say let him be bold, i say propose something major Mr. President. i want bold, i want action, i am so tired of all this talk about shit that never gets done.

Wiki Page of the Day (WPotD)
The Trump International Hotel and Tower, also known as Trump Tower Chicago and locally as the Trump Tower, is a skyscraper condo-hotel in downtown ChicagoIllinois. The building, named after real estate developer Donald Trump, was designed by architect Adrian Smith of Skidmore, Owings and MerrillBovis Lend Lease built the 98-story structure, which reached a height of 1,389 feet (423 m) including its spire, its roof topping out at 1,170 feet (360 m). It is adjacent to the main branch of the Chicago River, with a view of the entry to Lake Michigan beyond a series of bridges over the river. The building received publicity when the winner of the first season of The Apprentice television show, Bill Rancic, chose to manage the construction of the tower.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Dr. Pepper's Concept Car

I will never understand why companies make concept cars but never actually produce them. what is the point in spending millions of dollars to produce what would be an amazing product, but never actually produce them for consumers.  like this Volkswagen XL1 Concept,
Sporting up to 300 MPG in a plug in diesel car. it will never see the light of day. why? because they do not have to make cars like this for them to continue selling cars. they can continue to make the same old shit year after year and people will have no choice but to purchase them. one of these days i will take the time to put together a complete rant of my feelings about the car industry.

Started drinking pop again. to be more specific, i started drinking Dr.Pepper at home again. to keep from everyone saying i am hypocrite let me explain in detail. it is not that i do not like pop in general, it is that i do not like High Fructose Corn Syrup. it is unnecessarily dense and provides no benefit other than taste. the body can not even digest it correctly. so i tend to stray as far away from that stuff as possible. very hard since almost everything is made with it. so companies have been releasing heritage and sugar only products for a while now and i hope they stay popular. Dr.Pepper has done this, they released a Heritage product which is Dr.Pepper without the corn syrup. instead it has regular sugar. i think it taste better, although that might be a biased opinion since i want it to taste better. i just hope companies continue to make this kind of product because if they do not then they lose me as a customer.

The wakemate product is kind of a weird thing all unto itself. It is one of those products normal people would scoff at and quickly label as gimmicky and pointless. However for me it is quite the opposite. I tend to be very organized and due to a small level of OCD I have, I tend to go overboard with recording and storing of information. For instance I have 6 duplicates of my family photos spread throughout a 20 mile radius. Some would call that overboard, but those are the people who bitch when they accidentally delete half their irreplaceable photos. For 3 years I kept a detailed log of everything I purchased in an excel spreadsheet. I had it setup for total debt and credit management for daily, weekly, monthly and yearly summaries. I also had binders full of receipts. A binder would have 365 slots for everyday of the year. This is just the tip of the Iceberg when it comes to the information I obsess about. I have cooled down a bit over the years and deliberately keep myself in a state of apathy towards certain segments of information in my life. It is a constant struggle but in order to avoid the hermit hoarder tendency I have it is essential. With all that in mind the ability to track my own sleep in a simple graphical manner pleases me at a very deep level, almost a type of indulgence.

I have been using this for about a week now and so far i am really enjoying it. it tracks everything, from time it takes to fall asleep to how many times i move during the night. it seems really accurate too. i conducted some tests were i got up in the night to walk around and get a glass of water and it recorded it as a time awake phase. the only issues i have is with the battery. when connected the amount of sleep time it can stay alive for is really finicky. i will connect it via bluetooth and it will say 21 hours, i will look away and then back and it will say 18. so i do not know what that is all about, but i have not had it die during the night so that is good in my book. one thing i would like to see them do to the site that shows the graphics is have a bar graph displaying the time frame of sleep, and show on it marks where things occurred, like deep sleep or movement. other then that i really like this system.

On to the news of the day not much happened to me personally but a whole hell of a lot happened in Egypt. just a crazy amount of revolt and revolution going on over there right now. they even turned off cellphone coverage and the Internet to the entire country because they were being used as organization tools for the protesters. one thing i find interesting about this whole thing is, it will be the first revolution fully recorded. what i mean is that in the past when something like this happened the only people who could afford to have equipment capable of recording video or taking photos were news stations and governments. so a government like Egypt would only need to censor up to 30 different small groups from spreading news that would tarnish them. now almost every citizen has a phone capable of video recording. so for the first time we will get a real glimpse unedited from within a revolt. no censor will be able to control the onslaught of media data that will fill the Internet when they put it back online there. we are coming into the 21st century when something like this will not be meticulously recorded with detail. quite an amazing thing.

Not really sure what i am going to do in minecraft next. kind of hit a phase of indecisiveness. last time this happened i ended up with a 1/3 replica pyramid of Giza so it is not really a bad thing. trying to help Steve with his building but failing hardcore since my only task is to get the minecart elevator to work and i can not seem to do it. it would just be so much easier if there was just an actual elevator in the game. 

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

State of Inaccuracies

I was watching the news tonight while on break when i saw that they are putting a ballot up for vote on changing the gun concealment laws in Michigan to allow for weapons on school and church grounds. really? i mean seriously how is this even close to a good idea. i am sure most would say that "O well this is my second amendment, it is in the constitution nanner nanner". don't you think you are taking this 2nd amendment thing a bit to far? i am okay with you extrapolating an amendment meant to deal with large rifles people used to feed their families with 200 years ago, but distorting it into something having to do with guns designed solely to kill each other, no i am not cool with that. and seriously who the hell thinks it is a good idea to allow guns on school property. i do not give a shit if the constitution says you can bear arms, it is a stupidly terrible idea and should be denied on that sole fact. stop being assholes and forcing this gun shit down every ones throats when you are the ones with problems. you do not need a pistol. you do not need an Uzi or a bazooka. it is that fucking simple. they are all designed for the sole purpose of killing other human beings and by that logic should cease to exist.

Tonight was the state of the union address, and i was unable to view it since i was working. all i have heard from the Internets via twitter and other sources is that the tea party had a rebuttal to the SOTU speech. the link to the video of quite possibly the dumbest fucking lady on the face of the planet is here. i think i heard something about Americans being 21 generations old, and that the founding fathers fought tirelessly to eradicate slavery. also some historically inaccurate stuff about Lincoln. are you fucking kidding me? why is this lady allowed to leave her home, let alone run for office. just blows my mind how embarrassingly stupid our species can be.

As for the actual SOTU address, i have yet to watch it at any great length. i am happy to hear about Presidents Obama's plans for the digital infrastructure. linking 98% of the United States is a good idea. education is the key to a civil society. with more people connected to the Internet the ability for knowledge to be gained is increased immensely. so it may lead to a smarter population. even if it is slight. unless knowledge is like economics where the right get richer and the poor get poorer, the smart get smarter and the dumb get dumber. if that's the case then hope is lost for this species since natural selection is not really in full effect anymore.

Apparently polar bears swim up to 400 miles or around 9 days to find ice. i wonder what the possibility of them evolving amphibiously, or fins or something. would be an adaptation that would cause more bears to survive, so it is plausible.

Finished another audio book today at work. Rendezvous With Rama is rated as one of Clarke's best works. an alien spacecraft enters the solar system heading straight for our sun. no one is able to detect anything about it from outside probing. it appears to be a giant cylinder with capped ends about 50 kilometers long. they Cristen the craft Rama after the Hindu god. after sending out a mission to meet up with the craft they finally enter it and are amazed to find that it is hollow inside. the ship is a hollow rotating cylinder, providing "gravity" to the inner hull of the ship, .6 earth gravity that is.
Due to the time limit forced upon the crew because of the radical orbit Rama is taking they have to leave before it reaches para helion and becomes to close to the sun for comfort. as Rama nears the sun it becomes increasingly more active and over a time creatures begin to show up. odd creatures that have a biological built in battery system making lungs, and digestive organs completely unnecessary. and everything is in threes. all the creatures have either 3,6 or 9 legs. along with the animal triplicates all of the architecture is in triplets. after reaching the crews time limit they promptly leave Rama, but stay in a close enough orbit to view it glide through the corona of the sun and exit the solar system.
Overall it was a fantastic book and if you like hard scifi i highly recommend it.
I will be starting the next book in the series tomorrow at work, Rama II.

I finished the long and tedious work of designing our mine cart station in minecraft. the crazy intricate layout of the red stone and track underground is insane. i do not think i could possibly utilize that space anymore efficiently. i tried to take a screenshot but there is more underground than there is visible so it is pointless. the way it is designed is simple. there is a cart(pez dispenser) which brings out a cart, than the weight of the avatar sitting in the cart triggers a pressure plate which brings out a booster to boost it along the track out of the building. the receiving station is pretty much the exact same thing. there is supposed to be a really cool circuit to tell it when the avatar has left the mine cart, leading it back to the dispenser, but it just does not want to work and i am not a redstone expert. i made it so complex that it is impossible for me to find the fault. so now i just have a booster flying around the receiving track. the design came from this video. this is only part one of three.

Wiki Page of the Day (WPotD)

Hurricane Kyle was the fourth longest-lived Atlantic tropical or subtropical cyclone on record. The eleventh named storm and third hurricane of the 2002 Atlantic hurricane season.

Monday, January 24, 2011


Spent the day at a super fancy mall in troy Michigan today and had a chance to check into Gowalla a lot. one peculiar store we went into was a Sony store. i did not even know they existed. while we were in there we tested out the new PlayStation move. my review is that it is not very good, lol. the calibration before every game is annoying, tedious and utterly destroys the enjoyment. the sensor seemed to work moderately well, even though there was a very detectable delay between actions. worse than the Wii's delay making it very hard to get used to. controllers were Sony cheap black plastic. overall it felt very sloppy and cheap.

Moving on throughout the store we stopped by to check out the PSP Go. i was completely stunned at how incredibly cheap and flimsy that product is. it was so bad, it seemed like they literally spent 25 minutes designing and producing it. made out of the cheapest plastic i have ever seen, (milk cartons have better materials) i felt like i could snap the thing in half if i looked at it wrong. that's not even talking about the tortured interface and the more than pathetic Internet browser. overall felt very cheap.

Went over near the 3d TVs, put the glasses on and immediately remembered why 3D TVs are cliche and stupid. after that we walked over to the touchscreen computers where i typed this note out on the front facing monitor. so overall the Sony store sucks just as much as Sony does as a company.

Visited the apple store not only just to visit the apple store but also because Larry had them fix his iPod. got on the 13 inch Macbook Air and decided i should test it out on the thing i do most often these days, by booting up the browser version of minecraft. i successfully logged into my server i have running at home and played a bit with Steve. was really cool being able to remote access my server for the first time.

Went and saw The Green Hornet that night with Mark, Ryan and Joe. i thought it was very funny. although i am a pretty big Seth Rogen fan. some of the story line was predictable, but what is not these days. had some very funny dialogue parts along with some crazy action scenes. very satisfied with the first movie of this years movie release season.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Password Is "Ice"

Went ice skating today with my sister. i am glad to say that i did not fall one time and that i felt very comfortable on the ice, being that it was only the third time being on the ice in my life i was pretty proud of myself.

Played a board game with my parents when i got home. my dad purchased some old games from the auction house down the road so he was super excited to play one of them. he suggested the game sorry. I HATE SORRY. so stupid, it is the only game where one can make progress and lose it all at the end by the hands of a fellow player depending completely on chance. at least with risk or stratego if you lose with a lead it is all your fault. but in sorry everything is chance so i hate it. anyway we ended up playing password. a mimic of the old 50's TV gameshow and one of my favorites to watch, mainly out of nostalgia of a time i was not a part of.

I am going to start putting my minecraft updates at the bottom of my posts from now on. since they will probably be daily and they are the least interesting. while playing today Steve started his building project. a giant skyscraper with a ton of glass. should be very cool when it is all done. i worked on the global minecart track all day. i finally understand the redstone circuits. they all run on Boolean math and can be very confusing at first. i successfully setup two small circuits today, one that is a track switcher and another that allows a cart to be deployed. i ran out of iron before i could completely finish the whole track system, so now it is cycling back on the same track every time leading to there a limit of 1 cart on the track at a time. in the future my plan is to have 10 carts circling the world at all times so one only has to wait at maximum 10-15 seconds for a ride to show up. will be extremely convenient for everyone, especially when i add in the track that goes down to Joe's tunnel system.

Here are some pictures of our server at the moment. we are all very proud of it.
The House Joe Made and Base of Operations
Inside The Pyramid 
Steve's Building Project

A Look From Afar

Friday, January 21, 2011

My Server Never Sleeps

The world is happy place now. Steve and i FINALLY found a way for him to play on my server. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so now this brings the amount of people on the server to 4 since outside people can connect to it. Steve also said he plans on inviting some of his friends so the amount may be increasing. i am so excited to finally have a true minecraft multiplayer experience. also he showed me how to use the function keys correctly so now i can take screenshots and go into third person within the game. our next mini-project is setting up a rail system with a switching station with red stone so that one only needs to flip a switch at a grand central terminal and go anywhere on the map.

After the first night of using my wakemate i am happy to say i slept productively. i am still evaluating this product for its merit. i was looking at the leaderboards and apparently someone in Sweden got a 93 score. i do not know how one can sleep that deep. must be sedated or something.

I Wonder How Well Dinosaurs Sleep

When i got to work today i knew i was going to be an extra person so i was mentally preparing myself to have a terrible day, but when i got there my boss said that they had way to many people and that if i wanted i could go home. well i am not about to miss out on having another day off even though i am broke. so i went home.

While playing minecraft today i decided to visit the nether world, which requires me to restart the server with different properties. instead of letting me use a gate the server is dumb and forces me to manually change stuff. anyways i walked a bit in the nether and got a ton of glowstone, so i decided to get back to the regular world. when i restarted the server and rejoined it had spawned me somewhere completely random. i had no idea where was and i did not have a compass because i did not think i needed one. so i was a game as large as the earth. i walked for about 20 minutes southeast in the direction to where our house would have been. no luck so i had to restores from a backup at 12:03 last night. so i lost all the work i did last night between 12-6. lame because i had finished the floor of my pyramid and now i have to do it all over again. i am just glad Joe had not done anything in that time frame, it would have been real hard to break the news to him that i fucked it all up. but he is out of town at a funeral right now leaving the apartment to myself for these two days. which is awesome.

Received my wakemate wristband in the mail today. so tonight is going to be the first night i start tracking my sleep. i do not know how gimmicky this product is, but i guess i will find out. the concept is pretty cool. they use the technology hospitals and health care facilities use to monitor peoples sleep to track ones sleep at home. all in a nice little felt covered wristband. my review of the product will probably take about a week to formulate, but i am excited to see if it works. it is meant to wake one at their optimal REM cycle so that person feels refreshed and not groggy.

James Pero
Designer / Developer / Producer / Video Editor
Twitter | YouTube | Tel: 407.536.7376

Saw a segment on family guy about Jurassic park the other night so of course that meant i needed to have a Jurassic Park marathon. which always leads to me checking on the status of the Jurassic Park 4. last time i checked it was just dust in the wind, but apparently it is a serious endeavor now. Joe Johnston the director of the third Jurassic park said he is going to start working on it right after he finishes Captain America. he also said that it would kick start a completely new trilogy that takes the series into a completely different direction. should be very interesting. i hope they find out the raptora are smarter than they had originally thought and that they are equivalently intelligent to humans and chimpanzees. would be interesting to watch a movie about a species 65 million years old that have the same potential as man. i know that is what they were leading on about in all previous 3 movies so it is only a logical step to show them in the next movie with a rudimentary civilization with tools and such.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Apple Accepts American Express Cards

Woke up early(11:00) and went to IHOP with Joe and josh. the crowd is completely different at noon then it is at midnight. very sharp contrast. i had to work a crap schedule today, got stuck doing rooms as an extra person. the only good thing about being an extra person is the chance of going home early which happened tonight. got home an hour early to attempt for the millionth time to setup a public minecraft server so my cousin can play with us. as usual it ended in tears. we have given up on trying to get this to work until the actual multiplayer is a finished product. the main issue seems to be the fact that i have no idea what i am doing. i am supposed to forward a port. so i follow all the instructions in the YouTube video but it still does not work. so i have no idea.

Apples quarterly earnings came out today. turns out their iPad profit is more than their entire laptop line profit. which is pretty amazing. it is only  hair short of trumping their entire computer line. as far as i am concerned that is a pretty successful product. Tim Cook the COO of apple had a funny quote about how all the other tablets are bizarre. which is true i have had the chance to mess around with the galaxy tab, and i am honestly not impressed. it is nothing compared to the iPad. i honestly think it is as simple as these companies do not spend enough time and resources into developing individual products. no other company seems to understand that when you release a product, that is your product for the next year or so. that is what is wrong with the cellphone market on a whole. every other month a new android phone comes out that is not really a significant improvement over the last, which leads to the android that came out 9 months ago being obsolete and unsupported. it is a tragedy that companies do not work like apple. when apple comes out with a  phone, or a anything really, that is their product for the next 365 days. so within those 365 days they are working on the next generation. when if you look at the android timeline they spend maybe 3 months on a phone.

I still have not heard back from US Steel up in Detroit. i was really hoping it would work out. i would finally be living comfortable for once. but now i think i am going to start applying to places around here. i was looking on monster and there are a lot of drivers wanted. i do not know what this job entails(driving, duh) or how much i would make. i do enjoy driving when i have a reason to drive.

I got a credit card in the mail from American express the other day. i honestly do not know anywhere that even accepts that card, but i digress. the letter was in excited font to inform me that i had been chosen to have their oh so special card. so i opened it just to see how special it was and it has an annual fee of 95$. are you fucking kidding me?!?! who the hell would pay to own a credit card? and why would they act like it is some kind of privilege for me to have it. they are obviously sending these out knowing they will be getting a hundred dollars a year guaranteed.

Teefury is a site that hosts a t-shirt for one day only. a very cool site that helps artists because all the shirts are uploads from people around the world. the one today is awesome. it is a Mario-House mash up and i just had to get it.

I am working on a post that should clarify exactly how i feel about the video game industry. i have tomorrow off so i should have time tomorrow to work on it. i might even do a good EA post.


Had a good day off today. went to the pool hall with Joe and josh for a little bit. realized once again how bad i am at billiards. while we were there we also played ping pong, i went 2-2. after that we ate at applebee's, after we were seated i got up to use the restroom because my hands felt like i had bar all over them. i found a 10 dollar bill on the ground. i went back to the table and i was like "hells ya i found a 10" i got a total of three high fives. however after closer inspection of my total cash on my person it turned out to be my own 10 i dropped. so Joe reneged those high fives at once. the waiter was really cool and even commented on my einstein shirt. i got the fiesta lime chicken like i always do, delicious! after that we went bowling with Alissa at glass lanes. we wanted to go to miracle lanes were the games are only 99 cents each. but they are stupid and close at 9. i do not understand that at all. anyway i bowled like crap because my head hurt. know how one feels when they stand up to quick, well it felt like that but constantly. not a fun feeling. went back home and talked josh into getting minecraft. he helped a great deal with the Pyramid project.

I finished my pyramid tonight finally. i am so happy, it is definitely the most impressive thing i have ever done in a video game. what that says about me i do not know, and i do not care. i will have a video of the time lapse up tomorrow when i finish it. much to late to work on it now since i am getting up at 10 tomorrow for breakfast. however i do have some pictures of it finished.
Perspective of the House

From the top floor of the house

Josh and i stayed up a bit after Joe decided to go to bed. he helped me clear more than half of the inside floor area. the object is to make the inside a level surface requiring us to dig out at least 10,000 blocks in the process. overall it was an extremely successful night.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Lying About Pyramids

Watched the invention of lying last night. Now one of my favorite movies. Such a simple concept but Ricky did a fantastic job flushing it out into a film. The plot of the movie is man never evolved the ability to lie. So everyone tells the blunt truth, which leads to some very funny dialogue especially when Ricky goes on a date with a women clearly out of his league. Somehow he gains the ability to say something that is not so(a lie). Since no one knows what a lie is everything he says is taken at face value. He unfortunately says something about a man that lives in the sky and that people do not go to a world of nothingness when they die. Making him a messiah to the people around him. Essentially he invents religion. I highly recommend this movie, hilarious dialogue.

I do not know how they got so many people to participate in that film, but they all had small parts. Like on scene each from Jason bateman to John hodgman. It was crazy. Almost every scene had someone new. It almost seemed like Ricky said he was doing a movie and people lined up to be in it. One of my favorite parts was Steven merchants small bit. I was surprised that Karl pilkington was not in the movie at all. Seemed like something Ricky would do.

i have finished 3/4 of my pyramid in minecraft. i would have had to finished tonight, but i ran out of materials. so tomorrow when Joe gets back on we can get me the final amount so i can finish it. i just have to decide what i want the inside to look like.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Friday, January 14, 2011

Pyramid of Aristotle

Had the day off of work so i spent most of it just sitting in front of my macbook messing around. had to go to my parents house to change my headlight that went out. of course it was sub-zero temperatures while doing it. my dad did all the work i just held the flashlight, can not wait until i have a kid.

Went to the bowling alley with Joe and Jackie. bowled pretty good for not stepping foot in an alley in over 8 months. left early and went back home. Joe and i played some minecraft on our server and we both made quite a bit of progress. Joe has given up on his castle and has decided to assist me with my Pyramid project. he widened a tunnel underground 3*25*really long. mainly for materials for construction projects going on right now. honestly 90% of the work on this pyramid is clearing the work space on the map before the work actually commences. i finally succeeded in the starting of the outer framing. Joe came up with an idea that i should make it out of cobblestone steps instead of the blocks themselves. making the whole structure traversable abound its face. i had thought of this and disregarded it due to the immense amount of additional work it would create, but Joe talked me into it. the problem is for every 6 cobblestone blocks one gets 4 steps. so with a 60% return rate i am going to use a ton more material than originally calculated. i did the math and for my pyramid i will need 20,00 cobblestone blocks to create all the steps necessary. which is crazy. also i looked at the size of the Pyramid of Giza and mine is almost exactly 1/3 the surface area(not volume since mine will be hollow), which is pretty awesome. from where the top of the pyramid will be one can start to see the framing coming together around it. here is a picture of the progress. i will put together a time lapse video when it is all finished.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Recycling Is Too Hard For TTH Workers

Day started off like any other work day. however it quickly went sour. i got stuck doing 6/7 Discharges, which is number 2 of of my most hated schedules. day went on until i get a call from dispatch saying i did not correctly clean a room. this happens all the time so i shrugged and made my trek back to that room from earlier. my boss was waiting for me when i go there because it was in his opinion not cleaned correctly. his actual words were that it had not been touched. the second i got in the room i was immediately pissed off. what had happened is in the time between when i did the room and when my boss made his way to check on my work, the nurses had piled a ton of random stuff in there. in all crazy manners of locations. so when my boss got there it looked like i did not even do anything. he started to talk about what was wrong with the room, when i cut him off and began to explain that none of this crap was in here when i left the room. to make a long story short i almost got screwed again by nurses putting crap in rooms after i clean them. because this is not the first time i have been blamed for a room being a disaster after i cleaned it. i have gotten in trouble and been unable to prove anything in situations when i left the room completely clean wand when my boss reviewed the room 6 hours later it was a mess. he asked a nurse that walked by and she admitted to putting all that in the room. so i was free and clear. however he also had my quarterly review in his hand that he briefly went over with me. all good things, however he stressed that i should stop listening to my iPhone when i work. apparently people have been complaining. i do not know who these people are or why they need to meddle in my business. i do not even listen to music while i work, i have been listening to audiobooks for the past 2 months while i work, so it is not like my music is too loud. so some asshole is complaining about me minding my own business and enjoying a mind opening experience while i work. that person needs to take a long walk off a short pier.

Later on when i was finishing up cleaning Hemo, i was taking out a trash bag from a can and it weighed literally 50 pounds. so when i looked inside i found this at the bottom of the bag,
I could not believe my eyes. who the hell just throws away not only 3000 pieces of paper but 3 perfectly fine binders. i stood there in shock/rage for what felt like a few seconds until i decided that since no one was around to ask who had done this planet-destroying maneuver that i would take it into my own hands. i shot a video that explains my feelings in total.
Another thing about this whole situation that pissed me off. do we not have this in a digital form on the computers? and if so why the fuck did you need to print the entire god damn thing out? it is just mind-explodingly stupid. GAHH!!1!

Found out my other headlight is out now. so tomorrow i have to go get another 25 dollar bulb and try and replace it in sub-zero temperatures. and it is not like i can just push a button and the old bulb pops out. NOoOoOo!!!! this is a GM product so in order to get the bulb out i need to be a damn surgeon with baby hands in zero gravity to get the damn thing out.

After i safely made it home with only one side of the road lit, i decided to play some more minecraft(of course, what did you expect). Joe is working on his castle to the northeast of our house, so i started building some random stuff to the southwest. i built some geometric shapes and the beginning of a statue. however i put all my efforts into building this mirror pyramid.