Friday, February 4, 2011


Update on Wakemate:
so i recently said that what would make this product even better would be to have a bar graph with the information displayed on it. well it is a good thing i do not blog for a living because this very feature exists. the other night i apparently had an astonishing night of sleep i scored a 92 out of 100. 0.0 i do not know how or why. but anyway the bar graph representation is very cool, i wish i could put a link in this post to show the site, but i need to be logged in to view it so a screenshot will have to do.

Found a very cool application today, it is a companion app for minecraft called MCMap Lite. it allows me to view the map in pretty much anyway i want. i can scan downwards segment by segment. i can search for certain kind of blocks, and i can take screenshots at anytime. it is very cool and i am very excited about it. this is a screenshot of the server as of now.
It does a fantastic job of belittling our work as a whole. but you can clearly make out the pyramid, north east of that is Joe's house, and west of all that is Steve's building. gives one a good scale of things.

Wiki Page of the Day (WPotD)
Erie (pronounced /ˈɪəri/) is an industrial city on the shore of Lake Erie and the regional hub of northwestern PennsylvaniaUnited States. Named for the lake and the Native American tribe that resided along its southern shore, Erie is the state's fourth largestcity (after PhiladelphiaPittsburgh and Allentown), with a population of 104,000.[2] Erie's Metropolitan Area consists of approximately 280,000 residents and an Urbanized Area population of approximately 195,000. The city is the seat of governmentfor Erie County.

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